Friends of the fastlane
Friends of the Fast Lane was kickstarted during a roadtrip when a couple of friends realized how much they enjoy all the good times happening within motorcycle culture.
With backgrounds in photo & film production and the urge to give back to the community it made sense to them to do something more than just broadcast their vision.
For the ones humble & steady.
For the ones racing and rambling.
For the ones going full speed at anything.
For the ones living their lives in the Fast Lane.
For the ones who don’t worry about tomorrow.
Friends of the Fast Lane.
Client - FRIENDS OF THE FAST LANE | Director - Jordy Huijbregts | DP - Nino Kennis | AC - Lars van ‘t Hoog |
Photographer - Jan Fillem | Producer - Jamy Vodegel | Edit - Jordy Huijbregts